Sunday, August 31, 2014

The after party

Do you think we should feel guilty that after Teagan went to bed tonight, we ate the rest of her birthday cake?

Teagan is One!!!

Event credit goes to Piper Mac: Event Planner, LLC.  She's available if you need a theme party for that special someone or celebration.  Themes are limited to:  Strawberry Shortcake, Thomas the Train, Frozen, Jake and the Neverland Pirates or anything else Piper deems acceptable to her own tastes.

Dear Teagan

Dear Teagan,

Happy 1st birthday!  I can't believe you're one year old already - that time flew by!  What a great year it's been, with such a sweet addition to our family.  You're a very unique personality in our household full of many unique personalities :)  You're the calm after Piper's storm; I think you two will balance each other out perfectly as you grow up together.  I call you my sensitive soul.

What can I say about you?  You were an easy baby from the start.  You didn't have too much choice in the matter, as there was the whirlwind of a three year old running the show when you arrived.  But those first few months you always patiently waited your turn, and seemed very grateful for the attention when you received it.  You're just the sweetest thing!

You and I had a magical first three months.  You slept in your car seat on the bed next to me because you would snort while you slept and that made me nervous to lay you flat.  I really missed you when you 'graduated' into your own room and your crib!  My favorite time with you is rocking you to sleep.

When Oma came to take care of you for a month, you started talking yourself to sleep while you were sucking on her shirt.  Now your routine is a little different:  as you start to get sleepy you reach up to play with the tiny hairs that escape my ponytail at my temple, and then play with the little bit of hair on your own head, and finally drift off once you finish your bottle. I can always tell you're getting tired because you suck on your lower lip - we could never get you to take a pacifier so that's your way to comfort yourself. You do it when you're nervous too.  It's so sweet!

(Can you tell yet just how sweet you are? It's impossible to write this post without using that word many times!)

You make some great funny noises.  When you were first born, you would cry in a way that sounded like you were saying 'hah-lah, hah-lah!'.  Now when Piper imitates a baby's cry, that's how she does it.  You also bray when you laugh (or when you whimper) - it's very cute.  You did that when you were tiny, and then didn't do it for a while, but you do it again now.  You like to say 'uh-oh' and make lots of other sounds and syllables - you're a talker. Sometimes it's just hard to hear you over all the other noise :)

You're kind of small, so it's fun to see you up standing around - you don't look like you're a year old but here you are doing all of these year old things!  You're not walking yet, but you're close!  You  have a tripod crawl going on - one leg is always out straight and to the side as you scoot along.  But you're getting much faster every day!  And now you can climb the stairs!

You're really a delightful child.  Piper has had a lot of fun with you and LOVES to hug and squish you.  You two play together sometimes, screeching and running/crawling around or "sharing" toys on the floor together.  Piper came to see you in the hospital after you were born, and has been protective of you ever since.

What else can I say about you?  One of your favorite things is when Daddy smiles at you.  Your whole face lights up when he walks in the room.  We love how you explore things - you're very cautious - much more so than Piper.  First, you open up your hand and with just the tip of one thumb you touch whatever the object of your interest is very gently.  Then, you put all of your fingers and your thumb together in a point, and touch it that way. Finally, when you've determined it isn't hot and doesn't bite or sting or give way, you whap it with your open palm.  You're definitely my thinker.  If you're trying to stand up by grabbing a hold of something, you test it out slowly and carefully first to make sure it's stable.

Other things about you.... when you're crawling and you get tired you go into child's pose, laying your head down on the floor or carpet and sticking your bottom up in the air.  You also do that if you get upset or frustrated at the end of a long day.  It's like your head just get too heavy, and the world just gets to be too much.

Your favorite things are:  Piper, by far - she makes you laugh like no one else;  crawling toward us when our arms are open for you to come - your whole face smiles as you barrel over.  You love to play with anything that Piper normally won't let you play with, after she goes to bed or if she isn't home.  You seem to like the dog, but you test him out hesitantly too, since he moves around and isn't easy to predict.

Teagan, you're just the sweetest darn kid I can imagine!  It's been so fun to watch you grow and develop this year!  I'll let you in on a secret - when I first found out I was pregnant, I worried - as it's common for parents of an only child to do - if I would have enough love for two of you.  Obviously the answer is yes - I love you A TON, just like I love Piper.  Apparently there is an infinite amount of love.  Or at least the amount has the potential to double.  And it's been such a neat journey to realize that - to get to know this person who is totally different than our other little person, but just as unique and adorable and amazing to us.  Thanks for proving that there's definitely enough love to go around. And thanks for lighting up our world and bringing your sweet and beautiful soul into our lives!  You are treasured, and I hope you feel that in your heart and carry it around with you always.

Happy birthday, Missy T!

Mom and Dad

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Book worm

Piper read her first book last weekend - Turtle and Snake Go Camping.  Well, more accurately it's the first book she's read that hadn't been read to her first.  Most of the words she knew on sight, but a few she sounded out - whoop whoop!

Piper loves to read and this opens up a world to her that previously had been locked.  So, as we say in our household: awesome sauce!

Soaking up some summer fun (but not much sun...)

 Today we went swimming at Grandma Sue's and had lunch on her deck.  The girls had fun playing and splashing in the water.  Even Teagan enjoyed herself and got to hang out in the hippopotamus pool floaty.  It wasn't sunny (until we were packing up), but it was a great summer day!  Thanks for the invite Grandma Sue!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Playing together?

I'm pretty sure Piper is actually resource guarding the pink balloon. But hey, they were in the same room somehow keeping each other occupied...

Friday, August 15, 2014

Track and field day

Today Piper (and, as it turns out, Teagan) had track and field day at daycare!  Piper was very excited, especially since she'd gotten a book from her cousins called "Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl" which is about a girl who has track and field day at her school.  In the book Nancy has to wear a team t-shirt.  Piper got to wear one too!  She's in the Shark room, so her t-shirt said "Sharks" and was purple - one of her favorite colors!  (Along with turquoise, which she pronounces "tur-QUOISE".)

They did relay races, marshmallow spoon races, sack races and played tug of war against the teachers!  And then they had a picnic outside.  Piper was JAZZED when I picked her up. She got a medal too, but I forgot to include that in the photos.

The Caterpillars had track and field day too!  Which means they went outside to watch.  But their teachers made them each a tye die onsie since they didn't get t-shirts.  They put a nickname on the back, which is why Teagan's says "Lil Peanut".  She is a little peanut - she's probably only bigger than the new 6 week old baby in the room. :/

All in all, a fun day!  We love our daycare!!!

My Friday evening dates

 Today after daycare, the girls and I went to the town green to spend some time outdoors. 

 Piper put on a show for us!

 So did Teagan :)

 Then we went to Panera.  One of my dinner partners blew raspberries.

 The other informed me that she needed to practice doing 'the splits', and that if I should desire I could converse with her right sneaker while I ate.

 Eventually she sat upright.

And Teagan stopped blowing raspberries, and chewed on her fingers instead :)