Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Owies and haircuts

Today we took the girls to get their hair cut.  While we were waiting, Teagan was running around the shop and fell face first onto the tile floor.  Her nose was bleeding like crazy!  Poor kid.  But she managed to do all right throughout her haircut, even though she wasn't happy about.  The haircut or her busted lip.

Piper was a supportive big sister, and also got a cute haircut herself.


Teagan is in charge of quality control while Piper and her friend Brady build a tunnel.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Date night!

Dan made reservations for us at a fancy restaurant in the next town over to celebrate our belated Valentine's Day.  Only problem?  Last minute sitter issue.  As in, ours wasn't available.

Luckily, our friends Lisa and Damon were able to take care of the girls.  Brady, their son, went to daycare with Piper so she and Brady have been friends since Piper was 3 months old. It's funny, you can totally tell though.  They honestly act like they grew up together.  It's a very sweet friendship and watching them together always melts my heart. 

The girls had a blast!  Turns out, Brady has a real microphone, drums, a guitar.  These two divas were in heaven.  They also have a rabbit.  Check him out, he's huge!  Teagan especially liked meeting him.

And mom and dad especially liked their date :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Just a typical morning

Now that Oma has a cell phone that can receive pics, we took this one this morning as the girls were getting ready for school :)  They were very excited to send it to Oma.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Couldn't you tell after the first bite?

 You may not be able to read this, but this photo came along with a warning email sent to all the parents from school.  Apparently this is a popular Valentine.  And despite the prominently displayed caution on the front (DO NOT EAT), kids are popping these like candy. 

They're window clings.

I'm not going to make any comments about survival of the fittest... but....

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lady Piper

This is a photo strip made at our friends Mary and Paul's wedding.  We totally photo bombed her at the end.