Saturday, October 26, 2019

Trunk or Treating 2019

We had another successful Trunk or Treating at SJTW church this year.  We brought Piper's friend Emily with us to enjoy the fun (and candy).  Piper was Jasmine from Aladdin, Teagan was Elsa from Frozen, and Emily was a mountain, complete with snowflakes that lit up.  Almost Halloween!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Back to a good place

The director of our old daycare (Lita) invited us back for their annual Halloween party.  We  had a great time - this was probably the best party they've had with lots of new fun games and themed rooms.  It was great to see everyone, especially Lita and the owner Lisa.  TenderTime was such a formative part of the girls early childhood, and our early parenthood :)  We have very fond memories there, and Lita was always a part of the circle of people we trusted and depended on.

This was part of the Harry Potter room.  Both girls got to take home wands that the teachers had made.

Piper was Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and Teagan was a witch.

It was definitely a night well spent going back to our beginnings and a well loved place.