Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Grand Pre (schooler)

While everyone else was out seeing Star Wars, I was home enjoying the company of four lovely little ladies.  We did lots of fun stuff.  First we built towers out of the cardboard blocks, knocked them over and made videos out of the falling structures in slow motion.  Very funny stuff.  Then we did races around and around the circle center of the downstairs.  We started off with Teagan in her new toy car.  Then we moved Piper to the toy car, and put Teagan into the baby doll stroller.

These pictures don't do justice to the action and excitement of the races.  Those kids were flying down the straightaways, whipping around the corners, and, as it turns out, slicing hundreds of deep grooves into the hardwood floor.  Oh well.  2016, here we come!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How to trap...

not these guys, it turns out.

Tim and Dan went curling with Dan's friends last night.  They were out pretty late.  While they were gone, the ladies of the house built this blockade with the new cardboard blocks that Piper and Teagan got for Christmas.  We expected to hear a giant crash in the wee hours of the morning, but the crash never came.  When we woke up, we found the same blockade in front of the door from the laundry room/garage (the only entrance available to the boys since neither had a front or back door key) and there were two sound asleep curlers nestled in their respective beds.  Puzzle that out.

Foiled by the guy with the engineering degree and the guy with the genius IQ.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A land of wonders

Today we met Piper's friend Kellan and his little sister Calliope and their parents at the Mall of America to spend the morning playing at Nickelodeon Universe.  Piper and Kellan have been at TenderTime together for a few years now, and they are great friends.  Kellan is a very adorable kid- he's kind and respectful.   And he's so sweet on Teagan.  He just LOVES her.

This is Piper at the Lego store.  It's insane in that place.  

This is Calliope, Piper and Kellan with Dora and Diego.

Everyone had a great time, including Teagan.  She wasn't feelin' the giant cartoon character photo op, but she did go on her  first amusement park rides!  She was very brave.  Piper and Kellan had a blast going on rides too - their favorite by far was the Log Flume.  By the time we left, everyone was worn out and ready for naps.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The snowmaker

Piper, queen of the snowflakes, creates her icy castle!  By that I mean our home is dotted with trails of snowflakes everywhere you go - it's actually very festive.  I'll have to make sure to put her to work on the decorations committee next year :)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Venetian

Piper's friend had her birthday at this fancy water park within a Holiday Inn.  You can only get in if you're a hotel guest or party guest - you can't otherwise pay your way inside.  So it was a big deal to go!  Dan accompanied her and Piper had a blast - she spent most of her time conquering these big floating rocks.

Dan said it really did look like Venice in there.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It hurts me more than it hurts you...

Tonight, because she was not listening as I was trying to get her lotioned and in PJs after her bath, Piper was tasked with doing these two things on her own while Teagan and I went downstairs.  This is what came down the stairs about 5 minutes later. I was too afraid to look at what was under the jammies.

In the girls' bathroom I found 3 towels that were covered with smeared lotion - she must have been trying to get it off her hands.  There was also a spot on the wall that where she must have leaned. 

As is often the case, I wondered who this was really punishing.

Sunday, December 13, 2015