Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What else a week can do

It's official - the stomach flu has taken down the entire family, bar Hero.  Last Friday I was called to pick up Teagan from daycare because she had thrown up. Then on Saturday I was sick.  Monday, Dan.  Tonight, Piper.

I guess that's the downside of daycare.  Little incubators of sick.

We didn't know Piper was ill until pretty late tonight (although I knew we were just biding time).  Tonight was Piper's final ECFE class.  It was a good class, I'm sad that it's over - it was fun for Piper and a lot of parental support for us.  But, our lives are once again too hectic to accommodate the luxury of a weeknight class.  After all, the girls are now in 'class' five days a week, so I think they're covered.  The same class is offered again this semester, and would be open to include Teagan too, but I just don't think we could get there in time (we were late even before both Dan and I were back to working full time).  Plus Teagan goes to bed as soon as we get home from daycare, and her sleep is a non-negotiable since we need her in fightin' form to fend off all these kiddo germs she's suddenly exposed to.

Don't worry too much about Piper and her tummy.  She knows how to milk this.  Already on the agenda for tomorrow:  a Thomas the Train movie, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, a popsicle, and juice.  Kid's not one to let opportunity knock without flinging open the door :)

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