Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Look who's in a book club!

Piper had her first book club meeting today!  They had popcorn, Skittles, and discussed the book Charlotte's Web. 
Piper was very excited about it.  It was fun to read the book with her - I hardly remembered any of it. Mostly what I remember is that after I read it whenever I would scream about a spider mom would say "Maybe that's Charlotte".

When we see spiders, I tell Piper that Charlotte is fiction and spiders are nasty, multi-eyed, eight-legged creatures who are fair game when they're inside the house.  But the book made me think of mom fondly and recognize yet another way she was a better, calmer mom than I am.

Piper had a good time reading it too, although it was a crunch to get it done on time with all the other stuff we (and she) have going on.  It was a great rainy day for a book club, and I'm sure Mrs. Andress had her at "popcorn and Skittles".  

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