Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Tonight Teagan didn't approve of her dinner selections, so she threw her plate on the floor.  I immediately unbuckled her from her booster seat and instructed her to pick up her food and throw it in the garbage, and put her plate and her place mat into the sink.  She ran and nabbed some grapes that had rolled almost into the dining room, and then picked up a piece of sandwich that was stuck, jelly-side down, to the floor by the dishwasher.  She threw them out.  Then she plopped down on the floor, turned her plate over, and began to eat her cantaloupe, strawberries and cashews.  Off the floor.  That I hadn't washed in about 5 weeks.

I had a few options at that point.  A few fighting priorities.  We don't eat off the floor.  That's one lesson.  We do, however, eat.  That's another lesson.  I decided to go with that one, and handed her a fork, her milk cup and a napkin.  Bon appetit!

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