Sunday, June 5, 2016

They're baaaaaaaaaaaack

The nest is back!  The robins are back!  They built this nest overnight about a week ago in the play structure in the backyard.  Today, there were four bright blue eggs!  And one pissed off Robin parent, when two noisy kids came tromping up into the fort.  The bird flapped around in there for a while (while I screamed repeatedly for my kids to get out before their eyes got pecked) and then moved onto the fence top to chirp and pace back and forth at a near distance.

So, since we're soooo excited about seeing the baby birds, we'll make the necessary sacrifices over the next few weeks to keep the Robin parents happy.  Apparently it means not even coming into that corner of the yard, because I got dive-bombed while trying to evaluate the health of one of our corner lilac bushes.

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