Thursday, July 14, 2016


Our plan today was for Dan and the kids to pick me up from work after my all day meeting was finished, and we'd head straight to the airport and to NEW JERSEY!  But, at 8am, Dan got a text that our flight was cancelled.  Our 8:25pm flight.  Due to weather.  Huh.


Then he learned we couldn't fly out until tomorrow, arriving at the airport in NJ at 3:30pm (just in time for Friday rush hour traffic to the Jersey shore).  So basically we're losing a whole day.

Disappointment!  But at least we're all packed up, laundry laundered, fridge cleaned out, etc. and ready to go, so we won't have to do any of that last minute running around tonight.

My boss drove me to work today, so that Dan could pick me up.  Since there was no flight, she brought me back home this evening.  We planned that I would meet Dan and the kids at the Dollar Tree so that whoever arrived first could look for some toys and activities for the plane trip tomorrow.  Dan and the girls beat me by a solid half hour (traffic from Minneapolis to the suburbs is brutal this summer), so they spent some time doing this:

Goes to show you that while sometimes plans don't go the way you expect, if you have an open mind and optimistic outlook, you can still have a heck of a good time.

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