Friday, June 2, 2017

First grade farewell, a green belt, and a play date - oh my!

Today was Piper's first grade farewell picnic followed by her class's production of Charlotte's Web.  The picnic was fun but hot!  We sat with Piper's best friend Sadie and her family.  It was a nice way to mark the end of a great year for this girl - she really lucked out with another PHENOMENAL teacher and they forged a very special bond.  Her teacher has had nothing but wonderful things to say about Piper - calling her the 'real deal' - smart with talents in many areas, humble, kind, and a good friend.  An all around top notch student and classmate.  We're very proud of who Piper is now and continues to grow into.

After the picnic we headed inside for Mrs. Wagner's class's play.  Piper was a narrator in the play.  We are, of course, very supportive of her thespian spirit.  She did a nice job.




That was not the end of the big day for Piper though.  After the play, we drove her straight to the dojo for her belt ceremony - Piper is now a green belt!  She broke an adult sized board - thicker than any she's broken before - on her first try with a solid kick - woohoo!  It was very exciting.  It all happened so fast, though, that we didn't catch it on film. 


 Teagan was a great spectator at the dojo, rocking her Jackie O look.
And then her punk rock face.

After tae kwon do, we picked up Sadie and headed to Noodles and Company to celebrate, capping the night off with some Yogurt Lab.  It was a good day to be Piper.  A day of graduations, looking back and celebrating growth.  And looking ahead to the awesome things that are coming up next!

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