Saturday, August 26, 2017

Welcome to the world of wizardry

Piper and I started reading the first Harry Potter book together at night before bed back in July.  She loved the book once she got into it (bit of a slow start), and so she started reading it on her own and finished it quickly with the incentive that she'd get to watch the movie once she'd read the book. 

We watched the first Harry Potter movie a few weeks ago on the movietron, and Teagan hung around for that despite every effort to get to her to do or watch something else during that time.  It's not a movie for a four year old.  Turns out, it's a rough movie for a seven year old!  I'd forgotten how scary the end is in the movie.  Much less so in the book, but leave it to Hollywood.  Since then, there has been an increase in bedtime fear, and Teagan now sleeps with her door open.  (Piper always has so no change there.) 

But not to be deterred, Piper wanted to start right in on the second book.  She read most of that herself and today we watched that movie.  (Fool me once...?)  It was also scary. 

It's hard, because Harry Potter is such a magical (pun intended) reading experience and Piper is at a place where it fits for her.  It's just those darn movies.  The third movie gets much scarier, so I think for now we'll pause after book two and allow the dust to settle. 

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