Thursday, May 5, 2016

Teagan the conquerer

I don't know if it's the second child thing: the fact that she tries to keep up with Piper coupled with the fact that we're watching less often since now there are two (and we're twice as tired), but Teagan is much bolder physically than Piper was.  She's a little daredevil, but she seems to be pretty skilled at assessing what her capabilities are in a given situation.  She doesn't often over-stretch.  Most of the daring things she does, she does them well.  For instance now she runs up to the rocking chair, flips herself upside down on the seat, kicks her legs up in the air and does a hand stand by flopping against the back of the chair.  Then she does this odd, torquing dismount over the armrest and lands on two feet.  It's crazy, but I have to admit she can do it.  Her risks do seem calculated.  

(She also does this adorable thing when she does a front flip on the playmat - she puts her head down, starts to bend over and says "summmmmmmer" and then when she propels herself forward she said "saaaaauuuuuuult!" with real gusto.  And man does she go over with some power.  You can actually feel Teagan's triceps and her calf muscles.  

So I like the picture below, where she seems to be screaming out in confidence that no silly backyard play set is going to get the best of her.  Watch out playset!  And don't watch, adults - because now she's actually going to climb onto that top rung and stand up perfectly straight with nothing to hold on to and balance there for a while - just her two polo sneakers becoming one with a thin round bar.  So for the faint of heart, it's better if you trust her judgement and look away.
Parvus et potent!

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