Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Reading Cafe

One of the biggest events that the kindergarten puts on is "The Reading Cafe".  It's darling, there's no other word for it.  The kids dress up as waiters/waitresses at a cafe, and present you with a menu of books from which they will read - you choose the titles.  After you order, they read you the story.  Then, there are snacks :)  It's a time to showcase how far the kindergartners have come with their reading, many not having been reading at all at the start of the year.  Unfortunately Dan had important work meetings he couldn't miss, so I had a table for one.  Piper was so proud to 'serve' me.  She'd even made a special laminated placemat for me. 

There was also a video of the kids from the year, which was a tearjerker to say the least and we only watched the first 5 minutes!  Piper's teacher emailed the video to all the parents so we could cry in the privacy of our own homes. ;)  Then, the class presented Mrs. Andress with a class gift.  It was a canvas photo of the whole class holding up signs that said "We love you Mrs. Andress".  All this is especially touching, since Mrs. Andress will be retiring.  Which is sad for everyone, because man she is one hell of a phenomenal teacher.  We lucked out. 

Anyway, I present to you: Piper's Reading Cafe

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