Friday, July 28, 2017

Bye bye summer school, hello swimming pool

Today was Piper's last day of summer school classes and the conclusion of Native American Arts and Crafts.  I was able to attend the open house which was a museum of all the arts and crafts the kids had made over the week.  They had a really active week!  Piper really enjoyed this class.

Then after work and school we went swimming at Grandma Sue's pool, and Dan met us there with dinner on his way home.  Piper is getting really good at diving under water!  And Teagan is a crazy kicker - I'm interested to see how it goes when we take the wings off.

This is Piper doing a 'wee dab' in the water.  If you don't know what that is, I'm pretty sure I can't explain it to you.

And this is Teagan's 'I love this!  But I'm so cold!' general swimming face. :)

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